The “R” Word

On Thursday we saw our radiation oncologist, Dr. Sawrie, and he said Gorman is doing fine.  I asked when we might be able to use the word “remission” and he answered, “Right now!”  It’s such a simple thing but those little words mean so much when we hang on every word for some hope.  Of course, he continued and said that we have to be ever watchful for any recurrence but that he was so pleased with Gorman’s recovery.

Last Wednesday at UAB, the clinical research nurse mentioned in passing that, although Gorman has gotten an MRI every other month, in January we would probably go to every three months.  Because they fill Gorman with such dread, he was happy.  Because I want to know immediately if there is recurrence so they can address it, I was not as happy.  However, the best part was when she said that that’s the schedule Dr. Nabors uses for his “stabile patients”.  Gorman and I looked at each other and grinned.  Just the fact that he was referred to as stabilized gave us such a lift.   Mostly, the folks at UAB refer to those in clinical trials as “subjects” rather than “patients”.  Those of you who know Gorman’s quirky sense of humor will understand that he gets a laugh out of that.  So now I call him the “stabile subject”.

Thank  you, Lord, that we can find some humor in this ordeal and that You have walked with us every step of the way.

Posted on November 5, 2012, in Uncategorized. Bookmark the permalink. 22 Comments.

  1. Love hearing the “R” word!! Praise God!

  2. what great news and yes, thanks be to God. gorman is more than stable. he is a rock.

  3. Hallelujah!!! R also stands for Remarkable, Rejoice, Respect, Revere and ROCK!!

  4. SO HAPPY TO HEAR THIS WONDERFUL NEWS!!! Love THE Stable Subject!!!<}:0) Love Mel and Tommy

  5. Jann (and George) Puckett

    STABLE SUBJECT and dear blessed Beverly – GO Gorman!!! SOUNDS like some really good news; and good travels and a great visit with that darling grandchild. WE think of you so often. Praying for you always… Jann & George Puckett

  6. Glorious Glorious – How Great Is our God!!!
    Thx for sharing the great news.
    Love and hugs to our Fave Subject.

  7. Humor is very welcome and prayers will continue for more times for it!!

  8. Wonderful!! Welcomed News!! It’s official now!! Gorman is a “”stable subject”! But this is not a “new” expression for Gorman!! He has always been a “stable subject”. And that is a good thing!! So happy to hear the good news!! Continue to pray for you!!
    Jimmy & Karen

  9. Such wonderful news! I will be sure and tell Jerry about Gorman’s remission. This is definitely work from the Big Man Upstairs! Love, Charlene and Jerry Bolton…

  10. What great news!!! So happy to hear it! And laughter is good for the soul!!!

  11. Ralph B. Vance, Sr., M.D.

    Congratulations, you guys!
    Stable is a great label. And “R” is a wonderful
    You continue in our thoughts and prayers.
    The Vances

    Come to see us in Oxford the next time that
    you are here.

  12. Thanks for the Happy News; and thanks be to God! I’m just hoping that tomorrow will bring us “Happy News” of the election! Guess that depends on your party but I’m one with an “R”.

  13. Norbert & Heidi Dalhof

    what wonderful news. Humor does help, I am sure most of us agree to that. Enjoy this success!

  14. Praise be to God!

  15. Grimes (Lynda Ferris)

    Breeze, Ralph put me on your site. We are in Oxford also. Moved up here 6 years ago. Ditto on everything that he said in regard to “stable” and the letter “r”!!!!!! Grimes

  16. That is great news, and I am confident that it will continue to get better and better. My the Lord walk above you to watch over you, beneath you to lift you up, behind you to encourage you along the way, and in front of you — in front of you —– to lead the way.

    Shoot straight and keep your powder dry ———– Roger.

  17. Gorman, you are a good guy and one I have always admired in our profession. I am thankful that God is healing you!—-MTW in H’Burg

  18. Dear Gorman & Beverly- I celebrate your good news. Praying for y’all. Love, Tom

  19. looks like our prayers are working. pics are great, everyone looks really good!!!

  20. Gorman, Wishing you a speedy recovery!!!! Linda, Chuck, Lane and I have you in our prayers.

  21. Morgan, wife and daughter came over from California for a week so I’ve been out of touch. What a great update to come back to! You report one good thing, then another , then another. You have a wonderful medical staff and we all have a great God!

  22. Incredible news! We are so thrilled!
    Praise the Lord!
    Sandy and Archie

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