Filled With Gratitude and Thankfulness

Are there any sweeter words than “There’s no evidence of cancer”? Not to Gorman and me! That’s what Dr. Nabors told us this morning after reviewing the MRI. We talked some about whether Gorman should continue with the Avastin infusions or not. We were so thrilled and relieved that it was a little hard to focus on what was being said, only that he and Dr. Meshad, the oncologist here would discuss it and maybe move the infusions from every three weeks to every four weeks. Dr. Nabors talked about the advantages of giving the body a break from all the chemicals, although Gorman has tolerated it just fine with no side effects. Then he said there was something to be said for continuing on with what seems to be working. His final words were, “Mr. Schaffer, you are part of a very small group of patients who make it this far and we just don’t know the best way to proceed”. Gorman and I thank God that he is included in that small group and lean toward not rocking the boat but we’ll see.

So we are home, exhausted and road-weary but overflowing with thankfulness.

Posted on June 1, 2015, in Uncategorized. Bookmark the permalink. 19 Comments.

  1. Gorman, what great news! And what a powerful message of Hope through Jesus you continue to deliver to all of us. He lives and all of us will eternally because of His Grace and Atonement for us! May you and your family feel his presence and peace. Gary

  2. Beverly Smith

    OH SO PROUD!!!!!!! God is GOOD!!!!!!!!!
    Love you Guys!!!!!!!

  3. Wonderful news as we expected, pray for and continue to look forward to.

    Paul and Sheila

  4. Ralph B. Vance, Sr.,M.D.

    Congratulations! What a blessing.
    The Vances

  5. Music to our ears for sure!! The power of prayers are so beautiful and I am so grateful for your news!!! Continued blessings with love!!! Mel and Tommy

  6. . Beverly, Thank you for the post and the good news. Your prayer warriors are joyful for you both. God is SO GOOD. His mercy is Everlasting. Blessings to you both. Keep it up. There is so much good research now for this cancer, it gives us hope for the tomorrows. Love Tom & Donna

  7. The best news EVER!! We are praying for this continued good news!! You two are truly blessed!!
    Our love,
    Sandy and Archie

  8. Fabulous news!!! We rejoice with you and Gorman!!! What a blessing!!!!

  9. Jimmy & Karen

    “To God be the Glory”!! What a blessing to get such good news!! We love it!! Know you are planning a “celebration” tour? Karen & Jimmy

  10. Elaine Estefan

    How absolutely marvelous, thanks be to God, it’s wonderfully amazing.

  11. Sent from my iPhon


  12. I am forever thankful for your good health. Must say I am covered in chill bumps.

    Sent from my iPhone


  13. God is good——-we are elated with your marvelous news! Julie and John.

  14. Johnny Kinard

    Great news!! Keep those clear MRI’s coming. JK

    John M. Kinard Dogan & Wilkinson, PLLC P. O. Box 1618 Pascagoula, MS 39568 Telephone: 228-762-2272 Fax: 228-762-8246 Email:



  16. Nancy Keating

    Michael and I rejoice at your good news! We hold our breath each time Gorman goes for an MRI — and now can gratefully let it out! God IS good! It’s beautiful here in Maine … time for another trip? Love to you both. Nancy

  17. So happy for you guys! Enjoy the Summer! God bless!

  18. Thanks be to God. You are truly blessed!!! So happy for the good news. Love, Susan and Hibbett

  19. What great news! Continued prayers for your family!!!

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